John trades folk songs with the president of Iceland! In Denmark…

Hello my name is Johnny Rotten. 2 days ago at the hotel in Copenhagen I had the rare extreme delight of meeting the president of Iceland, who promptly asked me to sing a song for her. I did. I chose an old Gaelic traditional favourite. At which point her, and her entire ambassadorial core, stood up applauded me and sang to me in Icelandic! A good time was had by all. It was the most wonderful evening. A great way to spend an evening in Denmark with Icelandic folk. Thank you.

The gig the following night was an amazing event, as indeed every gig on this tour so far has been. The crowd were absolutely dedicated to enjoying themselves and understanding that PiL is not just music it transcends music. Young to old people, all ages, all types, all creeds, all colours catered for. Thank you.

John Lydon, Public Image Ltd, June 21st 2011

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