The Observer, Music Monthly Magazine |
© Observer / Campbell Stevenson 2006 |
The awkward squad |
John Lydon tells Campbell Stevenson why modern music is pizza, why punk mattered - and bollocks to the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame… |
'The Pistols were a very important part of my life,' he says. 'But it was only for 18 months. Creatively, it allowed me to use my skills and ... go forth and multiply.' And he cackles with the knowing, self-possessed fervour that has always set him apart. Does he hear anything now which has the same intensity? 'There probably is, but it's not for me to say. I'm not a spokesman for 17-year-olds. They have to get on with it themselves. But if you like music as quickly delivered and eaten as a pizza, there's plenty of that for you.' So what else has he got to complain about? Well, there's technology: 'the internet bores me to tears.' And the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame, for which the Pistols are now eligible. 'That place does perpetrate some incredible nonsenses - like if it wasn't for the Ramones there'd be no Sex Pistols. Well, it's bollocks, isn't it? That's not acceptable. It's funded by major record companies and the industry never appreciated us. If the museum wants to offer us some kind of plastic cup then the answer is no.' One other character from the Seventies was demonised by the press and then rehabilitated as a favourite grumpy uncle. Is Lydon happy to be a version of Tony Benn? 'Yes, well. Him and [Arthur] Scargill, they were proved right, weren't they? I'm not awkward for the sake of it. I stick to what I believe in, which is do the best you can, mean what you say, and think about it. People don't mind profiting off me and, let's face it, I'm far from talentless.' And then he adds the name of another politician who was condemned for his beliefs: Enoch Powell. Sorry? 'Don't get me wrong. I'm from
a multicultural family, I lived through Thatcher, but Powell stood up
for what he believed in.' 'This punk special of yours: it's not just a load of has-beens yakking, is it?' |
Credits: John Lydon photographed exclusively for OMM in Los Angeles © Barry J Holmes, December 11 2005 |
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